Stress is a part of life.
Everyone deals with if differently. Maybe some of us don’t deal with it at all but simply roll with the inevitable.
You can let stress take hold, or you can let it go. Letting it take hold is bad for your body and mind. It isn’t easy to let go but it will definitely be healthier for you.
I am not an expert but I have had and dealt with some stresses in my life.
We all find ways we can deal with daily stresses especially when trying to work from home.
Check out Happy Easter for some tips on working at home with kids.
First of all lets talk today about working at home with stress. Seems like there is so much extra stress on our households today. I am taking it on as good stress and using it to my advantage. Certainly there is more time in my day and that alleviates some stress. Our family does not have to rush the children to school before 8am everyday. This gives me the ability to not have an alarm clock telling me what to do in the morning. Let your natural body clock work for you and take away some stress to begin your day.
Another stress is definitely the mess. With everyone at home there is simply not a minute when anything stays clean or tidy, the way I like it normally. We all need to get into a routine and only worry about cleaning up after each meal perhaps. Or only once a day if you can handle that. Find something that works for your family. There is no cleaning lady coming to manage the floors or bathrooms anymore. We are suddenly the full time everything to everyone at home. Just do the best you can each day.
Finally the other stress is money, lack of income or much tighter budgets. The stress that this inevitable downturn will produce is probably something that a lot of us have never dealt with. Seems like a vegetable garden is a great idea.
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