Drip Drip, goes the tap. Water is a precious commodity. We need to make every effort to save it.
If your home has one leak at a rate of ten drips per minute, that one drip is wasting three liters of water per day.
It is different for those in town with water connected to their homes and businesses. Out in the rural areas we have to collect water and store it so we can use it.
In town you have the convenience of having water consistently connected. A drip will however cost you money. It is best to have it fixed quickly. Water restrictions when in place will implicate what you can use and what you can do with the water connected to the home.
In rural areas you have to install, manage and maintain tanks to keep your water. A drip still means money and wastage. It is best to have it fixed. Perhaps everyday is a water saving day out of town.
Check out our How to fix a Running Toilet and Little Things. It is imperative that we get these little things fixed as soon as we notice them. I understand the need to fix things yourself or have a partner do it for you. Our community research shows though that it is actually cheaper and quicker to get the Licensed Plumber in to help.
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